Youth and Urbanism, is a network of young individuals dedicated to fostering youth-led urban community development initiatives. We strive to provide marginalized groups with the chance to engage in integrated activities that are geared towards proper urban planning. By doing so, we aim to create quality living conditions and promote self-sufficiency, with a particular emphasis on shaping urbanism to be more conducive to the well-being of children and young people.
Our organization truly believes that by working together, we can save more lives than ever before.
Through strategy, we actively express and support any idea that influences the opinions and decisions of people, organizations and governments.
In a socially-just society, human rights are respected and discrimination is not allowed to flourish. It’s seen through the lens of traits like race, class, sexuality, and gender.
Youth innovation refers to the ability of young people to come up with new ideas and find creative solutions to problems.
We believe that compassion is a force capable of transcending boundaries and transforming lives. By translating empathy into tangible actions, we strive to alleviate suffering and bring hope to those facing adversity.
At Youth and Urbanism Youth-led Organisation, We believe in the daring, brave, impulsive, energetic, and self-assured nature of young people. Our innovative ideas, inventiveness, and boundless enthusiasm are helping to construct a better world. We use our optimism to create a future that we all want, and we are problem solvers with a lot of potential to make a good social impact in the world via creativity.
We envision cities planned, built and governed to encourage youth development and safety, with a key mission to shape Urbanism for children and young people. We believe that children and young people are the urban future.
Join the fight against hunger, As a member of the youth living in an urban center, you have a unique opportunity to make a difference in the fight against hunger. Every day, millions of people in cities around the world struggle to access enough food to meet their basic needs...
Youths Empowered, As Youth and Urbanism, we are dedicated to empowering young people and promoting the development of more livable, inclusive cities. We believe that young people have the power to shape the future ...
We envision cities planned, built and governed to encourage youth development and safety, with a key mission to shape Urbanism for children and young people.
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